
TI Programs

A collection of various programs for TI calculators. Programs are written in TI-BASIC, and are in .8xp and .txt formats.

Explore Programs

Installing Programs

To use these programs, you will need a TI calculator and a way to transfer the programs to the calculator. You can use a USB cable with a program like TI Connect CE to transfer the programs. You can also enter the programs manually on the calculator if you prefer.

Making Programs

If you are interested in making your own programs, check out Awesome TI Docs for resources on learning TI-BASIC and programming for TI calculators.


If you would like to add a program, please follow the guidelines below:

  1. Fork the Github Repository.
  2. Create a folder in the programs directory with your Github username
  3. Create a folder in your directory with the lowercase name of your program.
  4. Add your program in both .8xp and .txt formats.
    • If you do not have a .txt version of your program, you can use TI Tools or an alternative to convert your .8xp file to a .txt file.
  5. Create an file in your program's folder with the following format:
    # Program Name
    Description of the program.
    ## Credits
    Author: Your GitHub username
    You can include additional information in the file, however you must always include a Description immediately after the program name header, along with the Author: in the credits section.
  6. Create a pull request to this repository with your changes.